Friday, November 27, 2009


It's been so long since I gave my parents gift-wrapped presents. I'm sure parents still love the feeling of tearing open gift wrapper to see what's inside. I can't wait for them to see what I got them, teehee!

It's my dad's birthday today, so he gets a present. I got him this book:


I still have some gift wrapper left over, and my friend Jarwin just got back from Vegas and brought me some M&M's Premiums Dark Chocolate. I wrapped a box up with a note for my mom:


Fun! They each have something to open from me! My mom will give me some of the chocolates, anyway, hehe. The M&M's are so good. And shimmery.


The gifts are on the piano waiting to greet them as soon as they get up. I hope the 'rents like them!